Executive Committee

Chapter Chair: Prof. Riadh Abdelfattah

Dr. Riadh Abdelfattah is Professor at the Higher School of Engineering in Communications at the University of Carthage In Tunisia. He was the President, and a Vice-President of the University of Carthage (2017-2020). He is an Associate Researcher at the Department ITI at IMT-Atlantique, Brest, France. He was upgraded to IEEE senior member grade in December 2012. He was the General co-chair of the IEEE M2GARSS (Mediterranean and MENA Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium) symposium hold  in Tunis in March 2020. In July 2021 he received the GRSS Regional Leader Award for the year 2021, and in October 2020, he received the IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Branch Chapter Advisor crowning many years of  volunteering with their students under the umbrella of IEEE.

He was an elected member at the scientific council of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF, 2016-2018) and a member of the “Commission Régionale des Experts” of AUF. He was an elected member (2011-2020) at the university council of Carthage.

He was a member at the IEEE Tunisia section executive committee in charge of student activities from 2013 to 2014. Professor Abdelfattah had organized and chaired the first IEEE Tunisian Students and Young Professionals Congress (TSYP) in 2013, where more than 250 students and professionals had participated for the first time in Tunisia. He is the founder and actual counselor of the SUP’COM Student Branch (SB) a very active SB in Tunisia for several years. He proctored thirty teams from SUP’COM participating in IEEExtreme for several years succeeding in placing two times in two different years within the top 100 teams.

Professor Abdelfattah served since 2016 as the Ambassador of the IEEE-Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) in Tunisia. He succeeded in promoting the activity of the society in Tunisia through the organization of seminars and invitation of Distinguished Lecturers in geosciences and remote sensing. He also served as a guest lecturer for the GRSS Algeria Chapter in 2019. 2019 was the year of the creation of the GRSS Tunisia chapter chaired by Professor Abdelfattah, after the petition he launched of its creation. He also helped in the creation of the GRSS student chapter at SUP’COM, which he is counseling.

Chapter Secretary: Dr. Yassine Ben Salem

Dr. Eng. Yassine Bensalem, PhD. (M) is an associate professor of National Engineering School of Gabes at the University of Gabes (Tunisia) since 2010. He earned his Electric Engineer degree at the Engineering school of Monastir (1998) and his Master (2004) and PhD (2011) at the engineering school of Sfax. He is the member of the Research Laboratory « Modeling, Analysis and Control Systems-MACS. He has directed more than 50 Engineering projects and master and 3 theses.

His research interest includes ICT technologies, Innovation, Energy and Smart Cities, Smart building and AI. (more than 50 publications and conference presentations in these areas). He has over 12 years of teaching experience in renewable energy. Yassine is also the founder of the Tunisian association of science and research. He has developed, participated in, and coordinated ICT projects in FP6, FP7 and HORIZON 2020. For more information : http://yassinebensalem.tn/yassine/

Chapter Vice-Chair: Dr. Kamel Besbes

After a master’s degree from Ecole Centrale de Lyon (1986) and a PhD from INSA Lyon (France) in Microelectronics, he defended a State Doctorate in Physics in 1995 in Tunis-ElManar University (Tunisia). He joined the University of Monastir (Tunisia) in 1989 where he established teaching and research activities in electronics and microelectronics.

He founded the laboratory of Microelectronics and Instrumentation since 2003. He has managed several national and international research programs on micro and nano devices and systems, mixed circuits applied to sensing, navigation instrumentation and nanosatellite programs. To date, he has supervised more than 21 PhD theses in physics and electrical engineering and has published and presented more than 250 scientific papers.
He was Vice-Dean (2000-2005) and was elected Dean (2008-2011) of the Faculty of Science at the University of Monastir. He was member of several strategic Tunisian national committees. He is now in Tunisia since 2014.

Chapter Treasurer: Dr. Zouhaeir Rabah

I obtained the Ph.D. degree in Remote sensing, signal processing from the Telcom Bretagne, Brest, France, in 2011. I got the engineering and M.S. degrees in telecoms from Sup’Com, Tunisia, in 2003 and 2004. I was as assistant professor at Military academy, Tunisia in 2015 and 2016, respectively. I am currently  a senior researcher of remote sensing at National Center of Mapping and Remote sensing, Tunisia, particularly I am the head of the team Remote Sensing for soil science. I am interesting to digital soil mapping: regression models.


IT and website manager: Dr. Leïla Nasraoui

Leïla Nasraoui is currently an Assistant Professor of Telecommunications at the National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI), University of Manouba, Tunisia. She received her M.S. degree in Telecommunications and Ph.D. degree in Information and Communication Technologies from the Higher School of Communications (SUP’COM), University of Carthage, Tunisia, respectively in 2010 and 2015. She was an International Professional Visiting Scholar at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

In 2019, she was laureate of the L’Oréal-UNESCO Maghreb Fellowship For Women In Science; a recognition bestowed for outstanding research and publication excellence. Her research interests focus on network design and optimization for 5G and beyond systems with special emphasis on Proximity Services and Public Safety communications, WSN and IoT, UAV communication, and vehicular networks.

Dr. Nasraoui was upgraded to IEEE Senior member in February 2021, and from January 2021, she was nominated as the Chair of Vehicular Technology Tunisia Chapter. She is actively participating in organizing national and international scientific events and served as a Technical Program Committee member for various conferences, including SACONET 2018, IEEE PIMRC 2018, Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021, and IEEE HPSR’21.

Industry relations coordinator : Dr. Ferdaous Chaabane